Albert Kouril


It is with heavy hearts that the dodgeball community says goodbye to a cherished member and a beautiful soul. On May 25, 2014,  Al “Fat Puppy” Kouril lost his battle with cancer after more than a year of fighting for his life.

Al was one of the most genuine, loveable, and down-to-earth individuals that has ever graced the dodgeball courts, and he loved this game and the community wholeheartedly. He devoted many seasons to VDL in various exec roles including League Operator, Scheduler, and Mentor. Al embodied the true spirit of the league, and we were so lucky to have had him in our midst. Words cannot begin to describe what he has meant to the VDL family, and he will always be remembered for his kindness, modesty, and cheerful spirit.

Together, we can demonstrate just how much we all care for Al and his loved ones. Please help us, the Vancouver Dodgeball League, support the Kouril family through this incredibly difficult time. Your donations, any amount large or small, will be extremely helpful towards easing Al’s family’s financial strain from his medical treatment and funeral costs. On behalf of the Kouril family and the VDL family, we thank you for your generosity.

Donations can be made here:

Let’s live up to our reputation as the most supportive and spirited community, VDL, and show our support!

 The VDL Family



Al’s father, Jiri, wishes to share the following words in response to the fundraising efforts:

Please accept my heartfelt thanks and gratitude for your generosity in these difficult times. Money won’t bring Al back, but it will help offset some of the costs associated with his alternative medicine treatment, which, as opposed to traditional chemotherapy, promised at least a chance to, if not beat, then significantly postpone Al’s cancer. Unfortunately, we lost the fight. But most of all, thank you all for being such great friends to my son while he was still among us. I was, of course, aware that Al had friends and that he was liked, but I had no idea how many of you there are out there and how much he was liked. Thank you.

Many thanks also to the Vancouver Dodgeball League for setting up this fundraising site; it is greatly appreciated.

 Jiri Kouril

To those that attended Al’s service, but were unable to receive a memorial card, Jiri has offered to print extras for those that are interested. Memorial cards quickly ran out due to the overwhelming number of Al’s friends who turned up. Please contact by June 10th to request a memorial card.

Jiri would also like to offer his sincere thanks to those that came to the service with cards and donations. As many gave anonymously or only included first names, Jiri cannot thank these people personally. Nevertheless, he feels deeply compelled to express his gratitude and hopes that these generous people will read this message and receive his warmest thanks.

Finally, Jiri would like to thank everyone who attended the service, resulting in such great numbers that wasn’t foreseen. Jiri realizes that these people gave up personal time and sunny weather to attend, and he is very grateful for this amazing show of support.