Go Wild Dodgeball Tournament

Help support BC’s amazing wilderness by playing dodgeball this summer!

The end of dodgeball season marks the start of summer, and a time to get outdoors. Many of us will be hiking, paddleboarding, playing ultimate, camping, chilling at the beach…

Sometimes, it’s easy to take for granted the beautiful place BC is, and forget how closely we are connected to nature, providing us with fresh air, clean water, and biodiversity. Yet a lot of our parks, oceans, and wildlife are under threat from development, pollution, and climate change. Without adequate protection, these gorgeous landscapes may one day disappear or be destroyed – perhaps in our lifetime, maybe in our children’s and grandchildren’s generations.

That’s why we’re partnering up with The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) this season to do our part in saving BC’s stunning wilderness! CPAWS is a national non-profit organization that aims to keep half of Canada’s public lands and waters wild. Since 1963 they have led in creating over two-thirds of Canada’s protected areas by working with government, stakeholders, industry, and First Nations. All proceeds from the tournament will go towards the BC Chapter (CPAWS-BC).

There will be awesome prizes for the winning team and for individuals and teams that fundraise the most amount. Word on the street is there’s an escape room adventure, climbing lessons, improv show tickets, yoga memberships, sweet gift baskets, and many more prizes up for grabs!

Date: Saturday, May 23, 2015

Time: 12:30-4pm

Venue: Fraserview Boys and Girls Club (7595 Victoria Dr.)

Cost: $85/team (entry fee waived if team raises $100 or more) or $15/individual

(We will do our best to place individuals into teams but space is not guaranteed)

Register your team or as a single here

Start your own/team’s fundraising page here

Environmental organizations like CPAWS can only continue their work in conservation with support from people like us. So if you love our great outdoors and wildlife, join us in keeping this province we live in wild and beautiful!