S12 Monday Division Playoff Recap

S12 Monday Division

The date was December 10, 2011. The time was 1pm. The place was David Thompson Secondary School. The game was Dodgeball! Monday Night Playoffs to be exact! After 10 weeks of grueling games for placement, our lovely players pull up their knee pads, tape up some fingers, and got that bunny through the hole to tighten up their runners and head to the gym to fight for a championship!


But before we began VDL how to spread the love to our Best Dressed, Best Cheer and Spirit Champions!

S12 Wednesday Division Best Dressed Winners: The Justin Bieber Experience!

Runner up – Gnomercy!


S12 Wednesday Division Best Cheer Winners: Pork

Runner up – Knowing is Half the Battle (Mark and Jeff jumped into their photo)


S12 Wednesday Division Spirit Champions: Ghosts of Dodgeball Past (9.97)!

Runner up – Team Rocket (9.81)

Winning teams received gift certificates to White Spot! $50 gift certificates for Best Dressed and Best Cheer, and $100 for the Spirit Champions!

Our National Anthem Singer: Matt Ho who sang the National Anthem beautifully!

(look at the emotion in his eyes; you know he loves this country!)


Now onto what you’ve all been waiting to read about, who are our winners?!


TIER 1 Champs: Wrecked ‘Ems!
TIER 2 Champs: Truong: Legacy
TIER 3: Achievement Unlocked!
TIER 4: Narwhal Justice
TIER 5: Shear Force
TIER 6: Franchise

That’s all folks for Season 12! Congratulations to all the winners this season! Spirited vengeance will be bestowed to those who fought hard for the win this season but did not make it all the way! Thank you to all of you for making my first season as Division Director not too scary. I hope to see you all next season!

Grace Tang
Monday Division Director