S14 Thursday Playoffs Recap


Hello Thursday!

I’m sure all of you have heard the saying “save the best for last.” Well for VDL’s S14 Playoffs, that was definitely the case. Why? Because Thursday was last day for playoffs and we all know that our night is the best! We’re especially better than Tuesday. They stink.

Sunday, December 9th, 2012 couldn’t have been a better day for some dodgeball. Then again, when isn’t it a good day for some dodgeball? The gym was already set up from Monday’s playoffs and Re-Up BBQ came by to give us some delicious fuel. Unfortunately there were some mishaps with issues with players who didn’t sign their waivers in time. It pains me to have to deny players their eligibility but we’ve been telling you guys to sign them since Exhibition Week. No excuses!

At 1:00PM, we brought everybody in for announcements. I’ve never had to speak in front of so many people before so hopefully I was somewhat interesting and coherent. Onto the awards!

Best Dressed: Girls Night Out (Girls! Girls! Girls!)


Best Cheer: New West All Blacks


Spirit Champions and Winner of Hootie the Spirit Owl: Psychedelic


Like an Asian Mark Donnelly, Jay Vu sang the national anthem and pumped us up for the games that followed.

All tiers went pretty well I’d say, thanks in large part to the Thursday Exec team and the other volunteers. They helped oversee Tiers 1-6 and made my job that much easier.

Tier 1: Disney’s Recess: School’s Out!


The complete playlist of all Tier 1 games can be found here. A sincere VDL thank you goes to Deborah Sy and Retell Rivera for recording and uploading all these videos every season. Stay tuned for more videos in the coming weeks!

Tier 2: A Crucial Catch

Tier 3: Youme & Soju


Tier 4: The Fruity Bunch


Tier 5: Thrill Seekers


Tier 6: I’d Hit That


Overall, it was a good playoffs I’d say, especially my first one as a Division Director. Thank you to everyone that made Thursday the best night of dodgeball and congratulations to all of our tier winners!

I hope all of you are coming back for another exciting season of dodgeball. Thursday has already sold out but we do have limited spots in our Wednesday Division. They’re not Thursday but they’re still a good bunch. Plus you get an extra game and 30 minutes of dodgeball every week! What’s not to like?

That’s it for S14.  I’ll see all of you dodgeaholics in the Spring!

Justin Tieu
Thursday Division Director