VDL & Rollerderby Update

Thanks to all that came out to the El Luchadore’s special performance at the Terminal City Roller Girl’s last Roller Derby event on April 11th, 2009.

It was a grand success!

Intermission 1
The El Luchadores took on the VDL Superheroes in the 1st intermission act. The series was tied up going into Game 5, and ended with a spectacular showdown with El Luchadores coming out with a big win.


Intermission 2
VDL invited audience volunteers to play against the El Luchadores in the 2nd intermission act. Fun was had by all, and we could feel the VDL spirit in the arena.


Special thanks to the Terminal City Roller Girls for inviting us out, and we hope to be a part of this great roller derby community again in the near future.