Posts from February, 2013
Dodge Safe #2: Stretching: Why, What, When,
Where, How
Why stretch? Flexibility plays an important role in throwing sports such as dodgeball – the throwing motion requires a complex interaction…
Dodgeball Life Lesson #1: Always Pay Attention
Hello. Many years ago, purely on coincidence, I overheard a few people talking about playing in a dodgeball league. I…
S15 Skills Clinic
Does your arm hurt after a night of throwing? Did you miss that catch that was just within your reach?…
Dodge Safe #1: Dodgeball and Sore Muscles
Carolyn Tam is a registered physiotherapist currently working in the Lower Mainland. She completed her Master of Physical Therapy degree…
S15 Photo Week
It’s time to bring your Blue Steel look out of retirement, shine your teeth and your dodgeball runners, and of…